Business and financial consultancy
MM Beneficium is a company based in Split that provides consultancy services related to financing, managing business finances and business systems management.
Company founder Ivica Žuro has many years of experience in the financial sector. As director of the region for entrepreneurship and citizenship for Central Dalmatia in Splitska banka, he had the opportunity to monitor the development of legal entities from various branches on a daily basis through financing. Thanks to his rich managerial experience, his specialism is organizational improvements, savings on business costs, business continuity and prevention of operational risks.
Financial management forms the basis for making all other business decisions. If it is quality carried out, it makes a difference in the overall success of the company and facilitates all other management. It enables better liquidity management and the reduction of financing costs and general expenses. Basically, you understand where your money goes and how you can achieve an even better business result and increase the company's value.
Good advice is worth its weight in gold if it is timely and professional. This is especially true when running a business, regardless of its complexity. By giving extra advice, in addition to financial consulting and that related to the management itself, as an added value from their side, you also have work on cost prevention, control and optimization of the processes themselves, and risk management that may occur in business.
This always holds true - prevention is better than cure.
Investments continue to take place despite the crisis, therefore HBOR is implementing the Liquidity Loan Insurance Program until the end of the year. Find out who this type of loan is intended for and what are its advantages.
Who is it intended for, and who can apply for the first support program for the tourism sector? Find out what the goal of this grant is and whether grants of this type should be "better".
Find out what's new in loans for businesses with foreign owners and HBOR's program for financing islands investments. Among other things, find out in more detail what steps need to be taken to get a loan to start your own nautical charter.
It seems that artificial intelligence tools have become prevalent in all industries. One of the fears that has emerged is whether AI will completely replace us. Should nautical charter be afraid of what tomorrow brings? What about the demand in the yacht charter industry? What results are projected for the season?
What is the current state of the nautical charter in the Adriatic? It faces numerous challenges, including non-compliance with the rules at sea, problematic relations with marinas, and high costs of moorings. However, at the same time, there is great potential for improvement and development of the industry through solutions in the form of long-term investments.
In his new article, Ivica Žuro gives us an insight into the financial challenges brought by the increase in interest rates in the nautical sector. Find out what are the potential strategies for adaptation as well as financing and lending options.
Turizam u Hrvatskoj cvjeta, ali je li sve tako sjajno kao što izgleda? Unatoč rastu, sezona je bila puna izazova, od medijskih prepreka do debata o privatnom smještaju. Zašto je baš ta vrsta smještaja postala središnja točka rasprave i kako to utječe na našu ekonomiju? Ivica Žuro donosi kako se Hrvatska nosi sa izazovima i koje korake treba poduzeti kako bi turizam i dalje ostao naša jača strana.
Tourism in Croatia is flourishing, but is everything as rosy as it seems? Despite the growth, the season was full of challenges, from media obstacles to debates about private accommodation. Why has this type of accommodation become the focal point of discussion, and how does it affect our economy? Ivica Žuro discusses how Croatia is coping with these challenges and what steps need to be taken to ensure tourism remains our strong suit.
October brings financial challenges, and interest rates are (as always) in the spotlight. Will it grow? Is a fixed interest rate a smart choice? Ivica Žuro uses experiences from the past, but also some guidelines for the future, to help us in our decision. And with the right tips, who knows - you might even make a profit.
We live in challenging times. Interest rates are rising, and it seems that the economic crisis will never end. While the past has taught us the importance of planning and reserving resources, it looks like the tourism industry can profit from geopolitical tensions. Ivica Žuro reveals to us savings options and where to invest wisely.
Do you know what ESG means and how it relates to modern business? ESG is not just another in a series of modern acronyms; it is a crucial concept that transforms business. Ivica Žuro writes about how ESG affects financing, sustainability, and even nautical charter and how your company can adapt to these changes before it's too late.
When we analyse the economic picture of Croatia after its growth in real GDP by around 2.3% in 2023, the question arises: What awaits us in 2024? Ivica Žuro provides a deeper insight into economic forecasts that define expected growth, slowing inflation, changes in the labour market, and the impact of monetary policy on interest rates.
And while 2024 promises to be a year of record achievements in tourism, it remains to be seen whether geopolitical changes will turn us into a tourist power. And while it is evident that our tourism is booming, we face the question - will Lijepa Naša maintain its appeal and adapt to new challenges? Ivica Žuro reveals to us whether we are treading a fine line but also where we should focus our attention when financing entrepreneurship.
Are we in for an exciting period for our nautical charter, as the first specialised tender for this sector has just been announced? As the industry faces challenges, the government has tried to respond with a package of subsidies. The goal? Encourage green and digital transformation. But are these measures sufficient, and can they make any real difference? Ivica Žuro brings us the details and reveals the potential benefits of this tender.
The previous policy towards nautical tourism was, to put it mildly, restrictive, with a limited number of subsidies that were also low. However, HAMAG BICRO, after a considerable break, is introducing new financial programs. It seems there has been a significant change, or as Ivica Žuro says, "the cold heart of the stepmother has melted". Read on to find out what these programs actually offer and how you can take advantage of these competitive financial incentives.
Ivica Žuro brings fresh news from Central Dalmatia - interest subsidies on investment loans are returning, encouraging entrepreneurial initiative. His new article brings us advice for smart investing, but also advice in the form of an old folk proverb: Never put all your eggs in one basket.
Every entrepreneur aims to optimize their business and reduce costs, but one of the biggest challenges is reducing the profit tax base without affecting earnings. In his new article, Ivica Žuro unveils permissible methods to help you effectively reduce tax obligations and increase your business's profitability. Discover these easily applicable strategies, whether you are a small, medium, or even large entrepreneur.
Financial stability and growth are essential for the long-term success of any company. But how do you ensure that your business decisions yield positive results? In this article, Ivica Žuro reveals the most important rules and principles to help you manage your business finances effectively and avoid common pitfalls.
Reference interest rates in the EU are undergoing significant changes, opening doors to new opportunities for economic growth. Learn how Euribor influences financial trends and what financing options are available. Ivica Žuro provides insight into key economic factors and their application in his new article.
This summer has brought more fiscal "surprises" and economic challenges than ever, and once again, Croatian media have waged their battle against tourism. In his latest article, Ivica Žuro discusses why congestion, taxes, and short-sighted decisions are under fire, how the global crisis and rising costs threaten the survival of the nautical charter industry, and what awaits us if we continue down the same path.
The proposed tax reforms in Croatia are sparking intense reactions. While the government claims to strive for fairness, many citizens and experts read "between the lines" and see potential injustices. Will the promised increase in personal deductions truly make a difference, or is it just a drop in the sea of inflation? And what does the drop in interest rates mean for the average citizen? In his latest article, Ivica Žuro reveals what really awaits us behind this financial spectacle's scenes.
Croatia has an exceptional potential for using solar energy as the main renewable source. Given the exceptional insolation and favourable geographical position, especially in Dalmatia and the Adriatic, solar energy can increase energy security and ensure financial savings. Despite this, there are numerous bureaucratic obstacles and challenges.
Do you have an idea, but you’re missing a million or two (or maybe twenty)? Clearly, it’s time for new investments. Ivica Žuro brings us the most important information about current financial programs and loans for entrepreneurs in tourism and hospitality. From debt forgiveness to green initiatives – learn how to lay the foundation for success in the coming year.
Our author Ivica Žuro analyses what awaits us in 2025, from taxes and marinas to the sustainability of nautical charters and tourism strategies. In this article, which combines economics and tourism, he shares how to plan for long-term success in times of uncertainty. What can we learn from past years, and how can we adapt to new circumstances?
Are we on the verge of a major economic turning point? In his new article, Ivica Žuro reveals how Croatia's entry into the OECD in 2026 will bring an influx of foreign capital and investments in tourism, banking, and infrastructure. Find out who the biggest players are and whether our “old” problems will disappear - will Croatia manage to seize the opportunity, or will it remain trapped in seasonal tourism and bureaucratic constraints?