Collecting reviews? Never simpler!

Nowadays, most people check reviews before deciding to make a purchase or reservation. Reviews help build trust among potential clients or guests by allowing them to see real experiences from others. How are your reservations going for your business?

With reviews, people can assess whether they will choose your service or product even before they have any contact with you. Reviews give you insight into your business - what you are doing well and what you can improve.  
When people leave reviews for your business, a "side effect" is better ranking on search engines.  
Good reviews can also directly increase sales.  
Negative reviews are an opportunity to quickly resolve potential issues, which can ultimately turn dissatisfied clients into loyal ones.  
So, reviews hold great value, although the vast majority of businesses do not consider them as something important.  
Do you recognize the value of reviews?  


Collecting reviews for better service  

Today, when almost everyone checks reviews first, having a better (or any) approach to collecting reviews has become essential.  
It is also necessary to understand and correctly use the information you receive through reviews. The feedback you get from your users and guests allows you to adjust your services to their wishes and needs.  
This leads to greater satisfaction for your users and guests, as well as for you because it's always nice to see a good review or compliment.  
In the end, an individual who leaves a review surely feels some kind of loyalty towards you.  
Your business becomes more competitive, innovative, and thriving with more collected reviews.  
Monitoring reviews is also an excellent way to analyze your competition.  
If you use a review collection tool that combines advanced analytics, experience analysis, NLP, and translation into multiple languages, you can gain truly valuable feedback.  
So, if you need a more thoughtful approach to reviews and an application that is more than just a review tool – that is precisely Hospitality Insights (HI).  


What is the Hospitality Insights (HI) application?  

Hospitality Insights is a revolutionary solution in our market, surpassing traditional methods of gathering feedback.  
HI combines advanced analytics and natural language processing (NLP) with the ability to translate into over 30 languages. HI ensures that every client can communicate in their native language, giving them a sense of welcome and inclusivity.  
With HI, you can leverage the power of artificial intelligence to enhance your business, connect with users, and improve your online reputation like never before.  
HI not only provides comprehensive information but also offers guidelines to optimize the experience, such as:  

  • Effortless review collection – Clients and guests can leave their reviews on various platforms by simply and conveniently scanning a QR code.  
  • Conditional redirects – You can redirect users based on their previous responses. Satisfied users can be directed to public platforms like TripAdvisor, Google Reviews, and, while others can be guided to private surveys or customer support.  
  • Real-time notifications – You receive immediate notifications of reviews, keeping you timely informed about specific situations and issues, allowing you to respond as soon as they arrive.  
  • Advanced analytics – You have complete insights into reviews with excellent analytical tools, enabling you to track and analyze user feedback and helping you make data-driven decisions.  
  • Experience analysis – You will be able to understand the emotions behind the reviews using AI-supported experience analysis, identifying positive, neutral, and negative feelings to better comprehend user satisfaction.  
  • Natural language processing (NLP) – Sophisticated NLP technology supports up to 30 languages, facilitating the collection and interpretation of feedback from people all around the world.  
  • Customized surveys – Surveys can be tailored and adjusted to your specific needs and preferences, allowing you to create customized surveys to gather more feedback.  


Advantages of implementing hospitality insights  

With the help of a tool like this, you can not only collect reviews but also utilize the information obtained through HI to build a positive online reputation, enhance the credibility of your brand, and, of course, attract more clients or customers.  
Besides its extremely simplified processes and being accessible to everyone, the advantages of the HI application include:  

  • Global reach - Engage with users worldwide.  
  • Data-driven decisions - Use advanced analytics and sentiment analysis to make informed decisions that improve user satisfaction.  
  • Increased engagement - The personalized and user-friendly interface motivates more users to participate in surveys.  
  • Improved reputation - Utilize the information gained to build a better and more positive reputation.  


Why is Hospitality Insights the right application for you?  

In addition to enhancing your online reputation and improving your brand, the focus of this application is on efficiently managing the satisfaction of guests and other participants in the tourism industry, including charter and nautical companies.    
Once you gain insight into what your guests think about you, not only will you be able to respond effectively, but you will also be able to identify their dissatisfaction. This, of course, gives you the opportunity to see what you can (and need to) work on.  
The application is available online, allowing you quick access and data management anywhere and anytime, as long as you have an internet connection.  
HI also prioritizes data security, using the latest data encryption technologies and implementing strict data protection protocols. Your data is thus safe and protected from unauthorized access.  
Do you think Hospitality Insights is precisely what you need?  
Contact us and request a demo, and don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter.

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