Leadership: top 5 skills that create the best leaders

The direction a company, organization, or employees will take depends on one individual - the team leader and their leadership skills. The company's success greatly relies on this individual's qualities and skills and whether they can justify the responsibility and trust. But what skills do the best need?

You've surely noticed that there is a lot of talk in the business world about leadership, the competencies the best leaders need, and how they achieve them.  
This doesn't surprise us, as those in leading company positions are responsible for many employees' fates daily. They always have room for improvement to become even better at what they do.  
It's really not easy to lead a team of people, make them successful, and ensure everything runs smoothly while remaining loved and respected by its members.  

That's why we've summarized the top 5 skills that create the best leaders.

The list is based on research on the competencies of managers, directors, and other types of leaders with decades of experience and numerous business and personal achievements.  


Why quality leadership is important for business success  

Leadership involves making decisions that must be well-thought-out and often difficult. They must stand firmly behind these decisions and simultaneously create and convey clear visions.  
They must set achievable goals and share the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve those goals with other team members.  
Leaders are needed in all segments of society, from the business world and politics to local organizations, groups of friends, and private households.  
Sometimes, the role of a leader is taken on by the person who proves to be the best choice in a given moment of challenge. However, the types of leaders we are interested in are pre-selected and perform this role for longer.  

How to recognize a good leader?  

A leader's excellence becomes most apparent when they leave - if the team or organization continues to achieve excellent results even without them. This means they have truly invested in their people and given them the knowledge necessary for business success.  
A powerful leader can create a vision and motivate others to invest their time and energy in realizing it.  
The best leaders do this by recognizing others' qualities and inspiring them to use those qualities to achieve common goals.  
Good leadership and quality leadership skills can easily overcome obstacles, and everything is possible. This is precisely why leadership is vital for the success of all forms of business.  


Top 5 skills of the best leaders  

An excellent leader emerges through the interweaving of numerous skills. They create conditions for employee engagement and productivity in the workplace and influence employee satisfaction and motivation.  
Every person is unique, so individual leaders will have unique leadership styles that match their personalities. However, some general skills have historically been identified as characteristics of good leaders:  

  1. Empathy  
  2. Delegation skills  
  3. Ability to motivate  
  4. Investment in personal development  
  5. Communication skills  


1. Empathy - the most important leadership skill  

Numerous studies have shown that empathy is at the top of the list of desirable traits for people who lead us in the workplace.  
Empathy is the ability to recognize others' emotions and understand their perspectives.   
Studies have also shown that empathetic leadership directly impacts employee productivity, loyalty, and engagement.  
Such employees feel accepted and validated, which builds trust and leads to better work performance.  
Leaders can practice empathy towards their team members in two ways:  

  • Cognitive empathy – What would I think in his/her place?  
  • Emotional empathy – How would I feel in his/her place?  

Regardless of the approach chosen for practising empathy, the best results will come from leaders who express their concerns, directly inquire about employees' challenges, and truly listen to their responses.  


2. Delegation skills  

People in leadership positions often believe they will be most productive if they do everything themselves or develop everything down to the last detail, thinking it's best for the business.  
And if team members need to do something, they must ask it from them.  
This approach yields the opposite of the desired results and leads to burnout for those in leadership positions.  
True leaders do not feel the need to impose their will. They can recognize the strengths of their team members and allocate tasks accordingly.  
By delegating work tasks, all team members are empowered, their confidence grows, and trust is built. Leaders also learn to identify the best choice for each task.  
Delegation is a skill that should be comfortable for anyone who wants to get the most out of themselves and other members of the organization.  


3. The ability to motivate team members  

Let's repeat - a leader's task is to create a vision and then inspire other team members to work together to achieve that vision.  
Motivating and inspiring employees and activating and maintaining their enthusiasm for the project they are working on is an essential factor of excellent leadership.  
This approach is crucial for the success of a specific project or business in general, as nothing can surpass motivated and engaged employees.  
Leaders need to delve deep into themselves and their motivation for achieving the project and present their "why" to inspire others to work on their vision.  
A strong sense of purpose and responsibility for creating positive changes can inspire anyone to fully commit to a particular project. The leader must awaken that feeling in others.  

4. Investing in personal development is the foundation of leadership  

True leaders know that learning and development do not stop once they reach their desired position.  
Quality leaders know they must regularly invest in their personal and professional development to continue growing and improving at their jobs.  
Particularly inspiring are those leaders who are self-aware and understand their limitations, accepting them and knowing they are not the smartest or most capable in the world.  
By doing so, they show themselves and others that there is always room for improvement and that one should seek ways to improve, viewing every situation as an opportunity for learning and growth.  

5. A leader must have developed communication skills  

Communication comes in various forms.  
Those who want to be successful leaders and respected by their team must learn to effectively use all forms of communication to convey their message.  
This means actively listening, ignoring distractions, and maintaining eye contact while talking to others to show they are valued team members.  
Similarly, when it's time for difficult conversations and negative feedback, skilled leaders need to know how to communicate this to employees without causing them to lose their sense of self-worth and motivation to work.  
Developed communication skills help leaders identify why someone is not meeting their work obligations. They also help build trust between leaders and team members.  
Proper communication also enables leaders to quickly understand how to support their team members and what tools they need to succeed.  

Be the leader others want to follow  

All these skills are universal and can be learned by people in responsible positions in any field, including nautical charter.  
Do you want to surround yourself with loyal employees and associates with whom it will be a pleasure to pursue a shared vision? Then, try to apply the skills that create the best leaders to the fullest extent.  
Be available to your employees, listen to what they say, learn to delegate effectively, and apply what you've learned regularly.  
Additionally, continue investing in your development, genuinely communicate why you want to achieve specific goals and use all available forms of communication effectively.  
No one is perfect, but every leader can strive to be the best they can be at any given moment – for themselves and for the other members of their team.  

If you need these skills or want to work on them further, please contact us.  
Sign up for our newsletter to receive all the information you need promptly.  
Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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