Build your brand on social media as well

Social media has changed how yacht charter companies connect with their guests, future and past ones. Here, you can show off your fleet and convince people that chartering a yacht with you will be an unforgettable experience. However, social media should be used to make a strong brand and turn likes and shares into bookings. Do your social media profiles do that?

Social media is a place filled with opportunities for any business.  
It’s no different for yacht charter companies.  
Social media platforms, however, can be confusing if you don’t know where to start.  
Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok all have their own strengths and weaknesses.  
And here's the thing – you don’t have to be everywhere.  
You must be where your audience is.   
So, how do you figure that out? Start by creating buyer personas. Who's your ideal charter client?   
Is it the experienced sailor looking for unique adventures or people looking for premium comfort and service? Perhaps it's the family wanting to create lasting memories or the corporate executive planning a high-end retreat?  
Once you know who you're talking to, you have to find out where they are online, so you can try this:  

  • Survey your existing guests about their social media habits  
  • Use social media listening tools to track industry-related conversations  
  • Analyse your competitors' social presence and engagement  
  • Check out industry reports on social media usage in the travel sector  


Choose the right platforms for your social media branding  

Each platform has its own "language”, and you have to make sure you're speaking that language in the right place i.e. the right social media platform.  
Instagram is the place where you can show all the lifestyles that come with chartering a yacht, such as stunning sunsets, crystal-clear waters, and people living their best lives.   
Use high-quality images and create Instagram Stories showing day-in-the-life content and even longer-form videos like virtual tours.  
Facebook is a sort of community hub. It's great for building relationships with potential and past guests.   
You can create targeted ad campaigns, share more detailed content, and even start a group for those who love the sea and sailing.   
LinkedIn might not be the platform you’ll consider for your company but don't overlook it. It's perfect for B2B connections, connecting with boat show planners, sharing information from the industry and showing off your fleet's capabilities.  
YouTube is your chance to really bring the yacht charter experience to life. Create virtual tours of your yachts and popular destinations, and share tips for first-time sailors.  
It's also a great platform for longer, more in-depth content that can help potential people envision their perfect vacation.  
To get the most out of the social media platforms, consider this mix:  

  • Instagram - daily posts, stories, and reels  
  • Facebook - 3-4 posts per week, plus active community management  
  • LinkedIn - 2-3 industry-focused posts per week  
  • YouTube - weekly or bi-weekly video content  

As we already said - quality trumps quantity. It's better to do a great job on two platforms than do a mediocre job on all of them.  

Create a compelling content strategy  

Now that you've chosen your platforms, it's time to fill them with content that'll make your audience like, comment and share.   
But... You can't just post pretty pictures of yachts all day (tempting as that may be).  
Your content strategy should be a balance of promotional and value-added content. Sure, you want to show off your fleet, but you also must give information that your audience will find useful, entertaining, or inspiring.  
Let’s simplify, for each promotional post, you should have at least three pieces of content that add value to your audience's feed. This could be travel tips, destination guides, or behind-the-scenes looks at life in the yachting industry.  
Encourage your charter guests to share their experiences and, with permission, repost their content. It's authentic, builds trust, and shows others what they could experience.  
Consistent brand voice and aesthetics are crucial for your yacht charter company - your brand should be instantly recognisable. This doesn't mean every post needs to look identical, but your content should "feel" cohesive.  
Try these content ideas:  

  • "A Day in the Life" video series featuring different crew members  
  • Destination spotlight posts with unique experiences  
  • "Ask the Captain" Q&A sessions  
  • Guest story features (with their permission, of course)  
  • Yacht maintenance and technology explainer posts  
  • Sustainable yachting tips and your company's eco-friendly initiatives  

Your content should always tie back to your brand values and the experience you're offering.   
Look at every post as an opportunity to reinforce why someone should choose your charter service over others.  


Engage with your audience (beyond likes and comments)  

Engagement is the essence of social media. It's not enough to post your message and hope for the best - you need to create a two-way conversation with your audience. This is how you build relationships, foster loyalty, and turn followers into guests.  
Every comment, message, or mention is an opportunity to show your brand's personality and commitment to customer service.   
Respond promptly and personally. If someone asks about availability, don't just drop a link to your booking page - take a moment to ask about what they wish to experience.   
If someone leaves a review, thank them sincerely.  
But don't stop there. Proactive engagement can set you apart from the competition. Consider hosting live Q&A sessions where potential guests can ask questions about chartering a yacht.   
Virtual tours are another great way to engage your audience. Use live video, walk through a yacht, demonstrate its features and answer questions in real time.  
Interactive content is an excellent way to raise engagement.    
Here are some engagement ideas to try:  

  • "Ask Me Anything" sessions with different crew members or yacht charter employees  
  • Live virtual tours of new additions to your fleet  
  • Weekly polls on Instagram Stories (e.g., "Which Island should we feature next?")  
  • Photo contests with a discount on a charter experience as the prize  
  • Encouraging followers to share their dream charter itinerary  
  • Live cooking demonstrations with your onboard chefs  

Engagement isn't just numbers - it's about building genuine connections. Respond to your audience in a way that's authentic to your brand voice. Show that there are real people behind the profile; people who are passionate about creating unforgettable charter experiences.   

Measure and adjust your social media branding   

With social media, data should guide you best - it tells you what's working, what's not, and where you should put your efforts.   
But with so many metrics available, it's easy to get lost. The trick is knowing which ones really matter for your yacht charter brand.  
First, consider some performance indicators that are actually relevant:  

  • Engagement rate – More than just likes and comments. Look at saves, shares, and the quality of interactions.  
  • Reach and impressions - How many people are seeing your content? Is this number growing over time?  
  • Website traffic from social media - Are your social media posts linked, and do they translate into website visits?  
  • Lead generation - How many inquiries or quote requests are coming through social channels?  
  • Conversion rate - How many leads turn into actual bookings?  
  • Customer acquisition cost - How much are you spending on social media marketing compared to the bookings it's generating?  
  • Brand sentiment - What's the overall tone of comments and mentions? Are people excited about your brand?  

There's no shortage of analytics platforms out there. Start with the analytics tools each platform provides - they're free and often quite comprehensive.   
Facebook Insights, Instagram Insights, and YouTube Analytics can give you most of the necessary information.  
For a broader perspective, use tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Buffer.   
These allow you to manage multiple platforms, schedule posts, and get in-depth analytics all in one place.   


Collect data to get the most out of your social media branding  

Collecting data is only half the job. The real value comes from good analysis and using that information to improve your strategy.   
Here's a process that may help you:  

Set clear goals: What do you want to achieve? More bookings? Increased brand awareness? Better customer retention?  

  1. Identify relevant metrics: Based on your goals, decide which metrics matter most for your yacht charter business. If your aim is to increase bookings, focus on conversion rates from social media to your website's booking page. If brand awareness is your goal, reach and impressions are more important.   
  2. Collect data: Use your chosen tools to gather information over a set period.  
  3. Analyse trends: Look for patterns. What types of content perform best? When is your audience most active?  
  4. Draw conclusions: Based on your analysis, what's working and what isn't?  
  5. Adjust your strategy: Make data-driven decisions to optimise your approach. This could mean refining your content mix based on engagement rates, reallocating ad budget to high-performing campaigns, and adjusting posting schedules to match peak audience activity.  
  6. Repeat: Social media is always evolving. Make this an ongoing process.  

Here are some examples of strategy adjustments based on data:  

  • If video content is outperforming classic images, invest more in video production.  
  • If engagement drops off at certain times, rearrange your posting schedule.  
  • If some destinations bring about more interest, create more content around those locations.  
  • If long-form content isn't getting the desired engagement, use shorter posts.  
  • If a particular ad drives more leads, use more of your budget there.  

Social media success isn't about metrics or vanity.   
A million followers mean nothing if they're not turning into bookings.   
Your social media is a living, breathing entity that requires constant attention.  
But also, what works today might not work tomorrow. Keep learning, stay adaptable and be open to new platforms and trends.  
Listen to your audience, engage with them, and let their feedback guide you.  
And for your branding, one more thing is essential to know - a few well-crafted posts will take you further than a series of mediocre content.  
Having trouble implementing social media branding?   
Do you want your yacht charter brand to succeed and stand out on social media?    
Contact us – we’re here for you.

Want to learn more about branding and how important it is (and what you should do)?    
Don't miss our webinar "Stand out or step aside: The power of branding in a saturated market"

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